Jenna Alheit – Stellenbosch Artist Capturing Peace in Paint
Jenna Alheit is a South African artist from Stellenbosch who finds solace and joy through painting and illustrating. For Jenna, art is her safe, spacious place—a sanctuary where she feels most “held”.
Unbound by medium or technique, Jenna’s work shifts between oil, acrylic, and digital illustration. A mother of three, she treasures the freedom art brings to her home, inspiring her children to create alongside her. Her art, steeped in soft colours, light, and shadows echoes peace and reflects the beauty of nature and its Creator—inspiring grace, introspection and hope.
Though formally trained in Psychology and Sociology at Stellenbosch University, Jenna’s love for art blossomed into a career with the encouragement of her eldest son. She now creates original artworks and digital illustrations, blending modern techniques with timeless creativity—each piece a testament to her faith, family, and the light that sustains all things.