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Pictufy is a premium licensing service for artists. We distribute your art and help you to get more time for your passion.
Earn on your art.
Sell through the largest wall art reseller network in the world, including all the major brands.
Do what you love.
You create. We take care of the boring stuff.
Licensing Distribution Marketing Administration Reporting Billing Printing Returns
Do what you love.
You create. We take care of the boring stuff.
Licensing Distribution Marketing Administration Reporting Billing Printing Returns
Poster. Canvas.
Wall Murals.
Upload once and turn your art into posters, canvases and wall murals distributed through 200+ retailers.
Personal Promotion.
Our Creative Manager works for you and will make sure your art ends up where it is most likely to sell.
Personal Promotion.
Our Creative Manager works for you and will make sure your art ends up where it is most likely to sell.
Our offer
  • Your art. Your copyright. We only need your permission to license your works but you keep your rights.
  • No costs for you. Using our services is free of charge.
  • Non exclusive. Keep your existing partnerships while selling through Pictufy.
  • High royalty. You will get 50% of the royalties paid to Pictufy by our resellers.
  • A partner to trust. Keep track of every single sale you make. You receive your royalties four times a year.
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